Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 25th 3 years...

To our sweet boy, we wished you a happy birthday yesterday and celebrated your life, it was a gentle day to remember you and how you entered the world with such courage and determination to show everyone how strong you are. I cant beleive its been 3 years already that you deffied so many odds!! i found this beautiful poem and thought it suited so well...

Birthdays are a time for celebration
Not a time for tears
But what happens when the birthdays
No longer mark the years

A birthday marks the moment
... A spirit enters earthly life
To share its special love and joy
And learn from earthly strife

Before his spirit came to us,
He knew when and how he must depart
He chooses his path carefully,
We are honored from the start

The sadness we now feel
on such a joyous day
Is longing for our loved one's touch
It's natural to feel this way

For even though the birthdays
No longer mark a spirit's stay
Love continues on forever
To touch us everyday

I hug my precious memories
Close to my heart
And honor my beloved Angel, My Son
Who chose me from the start
We love YOU so much Nolan!!!
mommy,daddy,sister and your new baby brother or sister :)xooxoxox